News — florida real estate

  • 10 Plausible Reasons on Why You Should be Investing in Land

    Vacant Land investments are very much misunderstood and are the most overlooked real estate investments in the industry. It carries an unfortunate misconception regarding purpose and monetary value. What the majority of investors don’t know is that it is a hand off investment, you simply don’t have to do anything with it! It also holds high monetary potential, and its versatility is unmeasurable.1. Hands off investment • Vacant land does not need to be developed. If you purchase property f...

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  • Land Vs Gold – Which is a better investment and why?

    Are you looking for a safer investment?  With so many options, which one offers the best opportunity?  Let’s consider 2 popular options: An Ounce of GOLD or An Acre of LAND Popular media often point to gold, but is this accurate?  What drives their information? Could it be skewed?  Let's break it down piece by piece. Real estate is a cash generating and comfortable investment for many. Whereas, Gold is a precious metal “inherently” valuable. Both gold and land has been invested in and trade...

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