4 Trends to Look for in The Land Investment Market
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During the crash of the market, many banks stopped lending money for real estate development. Many projects were halted to a dead stop. Small and big-time developers, homeowners and builders stopped purchasing lots to build on, causing a steep decrease in revenue for the real estate industry. Now that the market has improved significantly, the demand in buildable lots has increased.
According to many land investors, suburban is the new urban! Due to the hike in gas prices, and the ever-growing desire for shorter commutes, many cities has remodeled and reconstructed their “urban centers”. This increasing trend has had land investors seeking out rural land in anticipation of future suburban development. They are investing in raw land and holding on to it tightly waiting for the opportune time to sell.
Southern states are experiencing a boom in population. Due to urban city cost of living, the new southern residents are spreading out to the rural areas. The state of Florida has always been a go to for Northern snow birds. The sunny year-round weather has become a top destination for people migrating from the North. It is a great time to invest in Florida property!
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